


Salesforce Consulting Services
The business objectives for your needs in sales, marketing, and customer service are the focus of Atlasroam's Salesforce consulting services.
Business Case Consulting

Additionally, we help companies successfully incorporate Salesforce products into their operational procedures.

Implementation Consulting

For companies of all sizes, our Salesforce consultants can integrate a variety of Salesforce cloud services and solutions.

Migration Consulting

Our Salesforce Consultants can assist you in moving to the Lightning Platform more quickly, easily, and affordably.

Customization Consulting

Smooth customer interactions made possible by Salesforce customization provide firms a competitive edge and foster greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Data Services

In terms of processing CRM data, Atlasroam has a strong Data Services Expertise.

Integration Consulting

Our Salesforce Integration Consulting solutions help to handle client information and other pertinent tasks accurately and effectively.

Our Standard Salesforce Consulting Process
We Atlasroam, Salesforce consulting professionals, assist business owners in making wise technology investments and system enhancements that save time and money.
Possibility and Preparation

Our skilled Salesforce Consultants help firms decide whether a CRM project is crucial and, if so, to what extent. Helping to define the business case, determining prices and resource needs, evaluating different possibilities, and identifying crucial implementation factors are all examples of this.

Negotiation of Prices and Conditions

While many businesses think they are skilled negotiators, CRM consultants have a very precise understanding of what can be achieved by speaking with each vendor, and more significantly, they can examine the implementation costs to handle any significant overruns.

updating the current setup

CRM consultancy includes brainstorming with organisations about how to replace the present system. Including fine-tuning with third-party connectors, we seamlessly re-implement existing systems.

Understanding Needs

It might take a while to define the needs for a CRM system and introduce or re-engineer new business processes to take use of technology. The right technology must be chosen, and the rate of downstream deployment must be matched.


At this point, consultants are crucial as project managers or provide guidance to the client’s project manager, who may lack prior CRM project management expertise. At all times, the specialists must adhere to the budget and the timelines.

An unwavering dedication to success
We are firmly committed to seeing you succeed. We distinguish our integration process from others by paying close attention to every little detail, synchronising data, streamlining procedures, and providing thorough user training. Our objective is to offer you complete Salesforce consulting services that not only meet but also surpass your standards for effectiveness and productivity.

The CRM integration will increase cross-selling possibilities and referrals while reducing attrition. We are prepared to complete a range of integrations.

API Integration

OBB Connectors

AppExchange Integrations

Heroku Integrations

At the Core: Productivity and Efficiency
Modern businesses depend on production and efficiency to survive. These important considerations form the basis of our approach to Salesforce integration. We start by carefully examining your business procedures in order to pinpoint the areas where Salesforce can have the most influence.

We customise the integration to meet your specific requirements, making sure it improves workflows, lessens duplication, and ultimately increases productivity.

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