


Consumer Packaged Goods
Our consumer products consulting services begin by working with you to create, assess, and illustrate the benefits of implementing sophisticated data collecting and analysis, artificial intelligence, digital supply chain, and other value-generating enhancements. This is done before we integrate or expand these capabilities into your operational framework. We reduce regular operations and build cross-functional teams to capitalise on your creativity and innovation in response to changing customer demands.
consumer paqckaged goods sap atlasroam INFOGRAPHICS
Perspectives from Customers

It is critical to implement creative ways for using client input when dealing with a variety of items, such as those in the food business or consumer durable goods. Our Demand Centric Growth approach assists brands in identifying the factors influencing consumers’ decisions across various categories or markets, allowing them to make informed investments and restructure their segmentation plans in order to establish dominant positions and realise significant growth opportunities.

Supply Chain Digitization

Previously, the CPG industry was dominated by enterprises with their own value chain; however, the successful organisations today have access to a diverse spectrum of external collaborators. To assist CPG companies, we empower business executives to obtain real-time, end-to-end visibility of their supply chain by leveraging sophisticated decision-making technologies such as big data, advanced analytics, and AI. We enable them to adopt modern supply chain solutions and optimise their operations by combining human innovation and teamwork.

Price and Revenue Control

Businesses may make significant gains by adjusting their pricing approach. Companies must have a strong internal competence that blends technology such as sophisticated analytics with people and processes in order to fully realise the promise of pricing. There is no uniform pricing methodology, and different firms may require different pricing approaches, strategies, and operating models. Our price consulting services solve crucial pricing and revenue management concerns by combining functional knowledge and cutting-edge data science. To assist customers in mastering price and revenue management, we use a combination of industry expertise, technical tools, new techniques, and an unbroken emphasis on enablement.


Businesses must now personalise their client experiences. Personalization can result in 6% to 10% growth rates. Companies may improve marketing efficiency, increase digital sales, and develop deeper customer connections by delivering consumers with individualised experiences across the proper channels at the right time. Personalization in marketing is viewed as an ongoing process that effects all consumer interactions. Our personalised marketing strategy prioritises value and empowerment. We analyse how personalised marketing may improve the most important areas of the customer experience and develop use cases to produce revenue while developing long-term skills. Our strategy is beginning small, aiming big, and moving rapidly by generating incremental victories to fund the journey.

SAP S/4HANA For Consumer Packaged Goods Industry.
SAP S/4HANA preconfigured CPG from Atlasroam One business solution enables you to successfully manage the needs of brand proliferation, increase product quality, and respond predictably to demand and capacity changes, all while giving you with a unified, all-encompassing perspective of your organisation.

The digital revolution has had a wide-ranging influence on consumer behaviour. It has prompted organisations in the industry to adopt increasingly complex techniques to understanding what, how, where, and when people buy their products, as well as to come up with clever pricing and promotion alternatives. CP firms must also deal with margin constraints, variable material costs, and high shipping expenses.

Transform Your Business with SAP Solutions
A sophisticated ERP platform, such as SAP S/4HANA, and specialised SAP consumer industries solutions tailored to your unique needs can assist you in this endeavour.

You will be able to accommodate variable customer expectations and capitalise on new growth possibilities in today’s integrated marketplaces once you have completed your digital transformation.

consumer paqckaged goods sap atlasroam
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